Prologue; The disease


Scientific Journal 1, By Roger H.

January 7th 2049; 8:17 PM

“The Rabbits have been injected with the Z-001 Virus. They are being closely monitored for any adverse side effects.”

January 9th 2049; 4:15 PM

“The Rabbit’s eyes have become bloodshot and their tear ducts seem to not to be working properly. Their eyes are more watery than what would typically be expected of a rabbit. Their pupils are also dilated. No further progress has taken place, it seems we might have hit a dead end.”


February 15th 2049; 11:00 AM

“Finally! We are seeing some positive Results! The tumors in the rabbits have began to shrink, and their metabolic rate has increased. Their bloodstream seams to be producing more antibiotics as well, yet the virus does seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. For this reason, we are looking into ways of neutralizing it, as completely getting rid of this virus would be counterproductive to many of these patients.”

May 3rd 2051; 10:30 AM

“Our test patients have finished their one-week testing of the Z-002 Virus. The results are conclusive, we have succeeded in turning it into the most effective dieting and weight loss supplement of this century. The Z-001 Virus has also been an enormous success, but the government is skeptical based on it’s roots, and thus it has yet to be legalized for the public. We are glad to say, that by 2060, no new generations will ever have to learn the word, “Cancer.”

The New York Hours (June 2051)

“Stocks have been increasing steadily in the Z-001 and Z-002 research department. As the lead Microbiologist on the team, Roger H. Is believed to be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Medicine, as the man who cured cancer by his own genius…”

“In other news, Foreign Relations have gotten tight with Antarctica. This is due to a new terrorist threat that has arrived since the bombing of the Penguin Meat Plant.  American Scientists refuse to comment on this travesty, but Canadian environmentalist, Jean L. supports this. He says, “I feel, we should move these endangered Penguins to our Receding Northern Shores, because even though they have less land to live on, they won’t be eaten by the Antarcticans.” Jean Proceeds to say, “I do not support Terrorism. I support our environment and the Penguins, and had this been a Maple Syrup Processing Plant, I would feel personally targeted by the attack.”


City News Network (September, 2052)

“Recent Developments within the Scientific and Medicinal Community today, as Nobel Prize of Medicine award winner, Roger H. has been pulled into the lot of troublesome politics today.  This is because there has been a break into the laboratory by the Antarctican Terrorist Group “Penguinsavers” the motives behind this are currently unknown, but there one thing has been confirmed, The Penguinsavers van crashed into a tree 86 miles away from the research center. All the rabbits have escaped. This has led to some interesting consequences, for one in the stock markets, Rabbit breeders have been on the rise as bunnies have finally rose above cats and dogs for “their magical healing properties.” On the other side, Z-001 and Z-002 vaccine stocks have dropped detrimentally.”

International News Network (November, 2052)

“The leader of the Antarctican Terrorist Group, “Penguinsavers” has been aprehended today by the RCMP. He was not able to make bail, and has currently behind bars until his trial for treason, murder, and interference with a trusted penguin meat corporation, as well as multiple other charges that don’t really matter. After a special interview with this man, who wishes to remain anonymous in our article, he claimed, “Z-001 is not what we think it is! It is a mixture of some of the key ingredients of bath salts, puffer fish poison, and utilizes the cell-killing potentials of flesh eating disease.” While we certainly listened to this man, we don’t believe him. After all, he is a terrorist, therefore cannot be trusted. For this reason we encourage you to keep buying rabbits from trusted sources such as Z-Bunny Co.”

“This is episode of News was sponsored by Z-Bunny Co. If you want an adorable rabbit friend, have cancer, or just want to lose weight, then this is where you’ll want to go. 1 in 100 of our bunnies have Z-001 and Z-002 bred into them, so you can be rest assured you will be satisfied with our no money back guarantee.*

*If for whatever reason you aren’t satisfied, you will be required to send in 2,000 dollars and sign a contract to never mention being anything but happy with our product in your lifetime.* ”

New York Hours

December 1st, 2052

“Today, Roger H. celebrates, as he is no longer in bankruptcy.  Z-001 has been fully legalized for unrestricted use in the public and Z-002 is on it’s way as well. It is believed that his scientific research company has been bought by Neworld-Tech, the mother corporation of Z-Bunny Co.”

December 9th, 2052

“Roger H. has sold over all his information to Neworld-Tech and has, in an unlikely turn of events been thrown out of the lab so-to-speak. The 32 year old states the following: “I had big dreams, and the ambition to follow through with them. This has brought me nothing but trouble so far, and frankly, I’m annoyed with it all. I’m retiring from the scientific community and opening a pawnshop.” We at New York Hours, cannot wait to see his face when his new business enevidably fails, only to be bought up and made popular again by Neworld- Tech.”

January 12th, 2053

“New developments in Roger H’s misfortune. His new company, “Pawnerz” hasn’t failed yet, so here at The New York Hours, we have a pool in place. Yet that isn’t what this article is about. You see, Penguin savers have broken into the new Z-001 experimental laboratories, only to leak the following evidence:


“At first we thought that was a plate of somebody’s snot, and we were very disgusted indeed, but “Penguinsavers” claims that it is a petridish, and that the flesheating disease, ebola, drugs, bubonic plague, drops from dirty needles, and everything inbetween have developed an immunity to penicilin thanks to all the bunnies being kept in people’s homes being exposed to medicine in the past.”

February 19th, 2053

“Government-funded research facilities have found that there is a new strain of  Z-001 which is resistant to all antibiotics. It is the general consensus that this super-disease cannot be stopped, and cannibalism has increased by 96 percent in the last two weeks. For that reason, this is the last public announcement to ever be released. We advice people to stay indoors for the next few years, unless you’re rich. Then you can stay with us in our beautifully lavish Biodomes which are being constructed.


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